Once more, we find ourselves restarting this dumbass project

If you are reading this, it is because I sent you a link or you found it on a web search or you followed a link from the pub map. There are other possibilities but, unlike the previous 3 iterations of this now 15 year old blog, I’m only linking to the others in context of a posting and not including a link on those other sites to this one in any form.

Running out of media space on EBPC3 prompted me, as it did previously on the DrunkenBunny (Endless British Pub Crawl continues) and 1PumpLane (Endless British Pub Crawl), to start another free (therefore, limited to 3GB) version but — since I am now using this only to communicate with 3 or 4 idiots back in the States and another 3 or 4 in Europe — I have become tired of the constant push for innovation and am using this mostly for personal recordkeeping.

So, if you aren’t amongst the aforementioned intended audience let me assure you that there is very little here of interest to them and even less here for you. Look outside…the planet is dying and the throes promise to be spectacular. Go out there and get some fresh air and skin tumours. You don’t have time to read this shit. Go get laid or drunk or both. Please.

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